The Zenith is the highest point directly above the Earth, and is the North Pole of the Horizon System.
Zeus is one of the eight hypothetical planets (also called the Transneptunian planets or TNPs) of the Hamburg School. In interpretation, it represents leadership and creativity.
This system is most commonly used in Western astrology. It is the moving zodiac where the equinoxes and solstice points stay at the same zodiacal degree from year to year, keeping in step with the seasons.
This system is most commonly used in Eastern astrology. This is the fixed zodiac where the equinoxes and solstice points move slowly back through the zodiac from year to year, due to precession which occurs at the current rate of about one degree every 71.85 years. Over long periods of time, the precessional rate can vary slowly between one degree every 70.59 years, to one degree every 72.15 years.
Time Zones where introduced in the early 1900's. Each 15 degree step in terrestrial longitude East or West of Greenwich is a Standard Time Meridian (STM).