Astrology House





9th Sign of the Zodiac.
Glyph Sagittarius
Key Word: I ASPIRE.
Gender: Masculine
Polarity: Positive
Sun travels through it: 23 November to 21 December
Mode (Quality): Mutable
Element: Fire
Planetary ruler: Jupiter
Exalted ruler: None
Part of the body: Thighs, hips and buttocks.

The symbol for Sagittarius is the centaur. Words descriptive of Sagittarius are: enthusiastic, idealistic, good humoured, mobility, love of outdoors, travel, seekers of knowledge, truth, wisdom, blunt, moralistic, opinionated, tendency to exaggerate, scattered energies.



SAN is an abbreviation for Syzygy Ante Nativitatum. Syzygy is either the Prenatal New Moon or the Prenatal Full Moon prior to birth, whichever occurred closest to the birth date.


Saros Cycle

The Saros cycle (a family of eclipses) is 223 lunations or approximately 18 years 9-11 days (6585 days) in which the Sun, Moon and Moon's Node return to almost the same relative places.

Eclipses in one cycle follow the same sequence in the next cycle.

There are 38 Saros Cycles, and each contains between 70 and 74 individual eclipses. 19 of these cycles start at the North Pole and 19 start at the South Pole.

Each Saros series begins at the North or South Pole as a small partial eclipse, and each successive eclipse in the series moves a little closer to the equator and is of a slight larger magnitude. Each eclipse in the Saros series gains in magnitude until they become total eclipses. When eclipses in the series reach the equator they are at their strongest. The following eclipses in the series progressively move away from the equator and become weaker until they finally reach the opposite pole from where they started about 1280 years later. Each eclipse in the series advances 10 degrees along the ecliptic (the zodiac), and moves 120 degrees further West in terrestrial longitude than the previous eclipse. So every third eclipse in the series will be at the same terrestrial longitude, but slightly north or south in terrestrial latitude depending from which pole the series started.



Symbol Saturn
Rules: Capricorn and Aquarius
Gender: Masculine
Metal: Lead
Color: Dull colors, Grey, Brown

The great teacher, the disciplinarian: limitation, restriction, self-control, inhibition; the ability to learn from experience, the voice of conscience, self-discipline; hardships, struggles, fears; melancholy, loneliness, isolation; lack of adaptability, severity. It rules agriculture, mining; time, old age and karma; the skeletal structure, skin and hardening up process.



8th Sign of the Zodiac.
Glyph Scorpio
Key Word: I DESIRE.
Gender: Feminine
Polarity: Negative
Sun travels through it: 24 October to 22 November
Mode (Quality): Fixed
Element: Water
Planetary ruler: Mars (Traditional) Pluto (Modern)
Exalted ruler: None
Part of the body: Sex organs.

The symbol for Scorpio is the scorpion. Words descriptive of Scorpio are strong willed, enigmatic, intense, passionate, tenacious, investigative, fearless, fanatical, vengeful, ruthless, manipulative.


Secondary Charts in Janus

Secondary (or Subsidiary) charts are calculated from a Primary or Base charts.

Janus can calculate a range of secondary charts:

Arc Transform


Sidereal Time

Sidereal Time is linked to the rotation of the Earth on its axis relative to the fixed stars (unlike Solar Time or normal clock time which is linked to the rotation of the Earth relative to the position of the Sun). The Sidereal Day = 23h 56m 4s of a Solar day. The Earth makes exactly one revolution during one sidereal day. The Local Sidereal Time (LST) for the place of birth is used to calculate the Midheaven, Ascendant and House cusps for a natal chart.


Sidereal Zodiac

This system is most commonly used in Eastern astrology. This is the fixed zodiac where the equinoxes and solstice points move slowly back through the zodiac from year to year, due to precession which occurs at the current rate of about one degree every 71.85 years. Over long periods of time, the precessional rate can vary slowly between one degree every 70.59 years, to one degree every 72.15 years.


Solar Arc

Solar Arc (SA) is a common method of calculating directions (moving all the planets in the natal chart by the same amount.) The Secondary Progressed Sun is used to calculate the Solar Arc and is close to 1 degree for every year of life.



Solstice = Sun standing still. At the time of the two Solstices, the Sun reaches its most northern and southern degrees from the equator. The moment of the Solstice corresponds with the longest and shortest days in summer and winter respectively.

Sun enters On or near Date Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
Cancer 21 June Summer Solstice Winter Solstice
Capricorn 21 Dec Winter Solstice Summer Solstice

In July the Earth reaches its farthest distance from the Sun and this point in the Earth's orbit is called Aphelion. In January the Earth reaches its nearest distance from the Sun and this point in the Earth's orbit is called Perihelion.


South Point

The Geocentric Horizon (a Great Circle parallel to the apparent horizon but passing through the centre of the Earth) intersects the Meridian (a Great Circle perpendicular to the horizon passing through the Zenith and the Nadir) at both the North Point and the South Point. The North Point is opposite the South Point.


Spectral Class

Stars can be classified as a spectral type denoted by a letter giving the major class and is sometimes followed by a number from 0 to 9 providing a sub-division within each class. 0 is at the hot end of the range, and 9 is at the cool end of the range. So A5 would be hotter than A6.

The spectral class indicates a star's color and surface temperature.

The following table lists spectral classes in the order of hottest to coolest.

Class Temperature Color
W 80 000K Greenish-White
O 36 000K Greenish-White
B 18 000K Bluish-White
A 9 000K White
F 7 000K Yellowish-White
G 5 000K Yellow
K 4 000K Orange
M 3 100K Orange-Red
R 2 500K Orange-Red
N 2 000K Red
S 1 500K Red

Example: Sirius has a spectral classification of A1.



Sums are used in Uranian astrology and generally have the form A + B - C.
Planet A, Planet B, and Planet C can each be a Natal, Directed or Transiting Planet.

Sum = Natal Sun + Directed Moon - Transiting Mercury

Halfsums have the form A/B
Planet A and Planet B can each be a Natal, Directed or Transiting Planet.

HS = Natal Sun / Transiting Moon

In Janus' Cosmogram you can calculate any of the following sums.

A + B sum
A - B sum
A / B halfsum
A + B - C sensitive point
(A / B) / (C / D) double halfsum
(A + B) / (C / D) mp of sum and halfsum
You can select planet A, B, C and D and whether they are Transiting, Directed, or Radix.



Symbol Sun
Rules: Leo.
Gender: Male
Metal: Gold
Color: Gold

The masculine principle: the spirit, the creator, the father, the man, the leading personality, authority, the head of state; the living being, the will to live; consciousness, ego, self-expression, urge for recognition. It rules the physical body, general vitality, the heart and circulation. The Sun governs day.



Synastry (syn from the Greek 'to be with' and astron Greek for 'star') is a method that compares two charts, looking for aspects between the two charts, and examining the house relationships between them.


Synetic Vernal Point

The Vernal Point is 0 Aries in the Tropical Zodiac and this point moves against the constellations (star background) due to precession of the equinoxes. The Synetic Vernal Point (SVP) is the sidereal longitude of the vernal point.