2nd Sign of the Zodiac.
Key Word: I HAVE.
Gender: Feminine
Polarity: Negative
Sun travels through it: 20 April to 20 May
Mode (Quality): Fixed
Element: Earth
Planetary ruler: Venus
Exalted ruler: Moon
Part of the body: Throat and neck.
The symbol for Taurus is the bull. Words descriptive of Taurus are: practical, dependable, materialistic outlook, security conscious, a sense for enjoyment and pleasure, creative inclinations, steadfast, patient, intractable, stubborn, greed, over-indulgence, fixations.
One of the five Essential Dignities, but considered moderate in strength. The Terms are subdivisions within signs, whereby a planet is considered to rule the degrees of the said subdivision.
Topocentric means as viewed from the observer's place. This co-ordinate system should not be confused with the Topocentric house system. This is a modern technique where planet positions are calculated as seen from the actual surface location of the Earth. The difference between the geocentric and topocentric systems is that of parallax (the apparent difference in an object's position as viewed from different points.) The more distant the object, the less the parallax. For the Moon, the parallax can reach about one degree in both longitude and declination. For the rest of the planets, it is less than half a minute of arc.
The passage of the planets in the sky across the zodiacal positions of the radix planets, sensitive points and midpoints.
Transpluto is a hypothetical planet based on the irregularities in the orbital motions of Uranus and Neptune. On the material plane, Transpluto signifies events through which sudden and chaotic energies are released, often followed by violent after effects.
The third in order of importance after Exaltation of the five Essential Dignities. Comparatively strong, but nowhere near as strong as Rulership or Exaltation. The Triplicities are associated with the Elements.
The Earth rotates on its axis at an inclination of about 23 degrees to the ecliptic (called the obliquity of the ecliptic). When the Summer solstice occurs in the Northern Hemisphere (Sun at 0 degrees Cancer) the Sun's declination reaches a maximum of about 23 degrees north and is referred to as the Tropic of Cancer.
The Earth rotates on its axis at an inclination of about 23 degrees to the ecliptic (called the obliquity of the ecliptic). When the Winter solstice occurs in the Northern Hemisphere (Sun at 0 degrees Capricorn) the Sun's declination reaches a maximum of about 23 degrees south and is referred to as the Tropic of Capricorn.
This system is most commonly used in Western astrology. It is the moving zodiac where the equinoxes and solstice points stay at the same zodiacal degree from year to year, keeping in step with the seasons.
In relatively recent times it has been possible to calculate the position of the Moon's True Node. The true node can be direct or retrograde, and can vary by a few degrees either side of the mean node position.