(extensive range of 22 dials): 360°, 180°, 120°, 90°, 72°, 60°, 51° 26', 45°, 40°, 36°, 30°, 22.5°, 15°, 11°.15', 7°30', 5°37' 30", 3°45', 2°48' 45", 1°52' 30", 1°24' 22.5", 0°56' 15" and 0°42' 11.25"
Advanced techniques
Ability to scale and print a dial to your own specifications
22 dials ranging from H1 (360°) to H512 (0° 42' 11.25"), including 15°, 30° & 60° - see Uranian Dials above
Capability to add midpoints, LM, LA & Sun Formulas to dials and Uranian style Graphic Ephemeris
Uranian style Graphic Ephemeris, includes ability to add Quarter & Eighth Moon Phases, Progressed, Directed and transiting planets & midpoints to graph
Calculate Sums: A + B, A - B, A / B, A + B - C, (A / B) / (C / D), (A + B) / (C / D)
Ability to drag dial pointer around dials with mouse
Ability to drag transits in Cosmogram to calculate new event dates
Event range in Cosmogram +/- 3000 years
Has ability to add quarter & eighth Moon Phases, and Progressed, Directed and Transiting Planets & Midpoints to graph
Uranian planets
User-defined wheel, aspect pattern orb percentage in sliding scale